Pearl of Tyburn: This evening we have with us “Bonnie Lass”
from the Edinburgh area of Scotland. Thanks so much for taking the time out to
do this.
Bonnie Lass: My pleasure!
P.T.: First, could you give me a brief overview of
your background and what national/cultural/religious identities you might see
yourself as having?
B.L.: I was born in Scotland and have lived in
Scotland all my life. I think of myself as Scottish and not British - if I'm
filling up forms, for instance, and am asked for nationality, I always put
Scottish. I'm a member of the Church of Scotland, but prefer to call myself a
P.T.: Do you belong to any particular political
B.L.: I am not a member of any political party,
but I have voted Labour for many years now (including today at the European
P.T.: What was your first impression when the Scottish Independence Referendum was announced?
B.L.: I wasn't entirely surprised, as I thought it
had been on the cards for a while. But when it was announced, I realised this
would be a big step, whichever way it went.
P.T.: As a person who sees herself as primarily
Scottish as opposed to British, how will you vote in the referendum come
September, and what are your reasons?
B.L.: Well,
although I think of myself as Scottish in all things, I will NOT be voting for
independence when the time comes.
It seems to me that the UK is a small enough country as it
is without being fragmented further. And there are SO MANY imponderables when
it comes to independence. Do we get to keep the pound sterling? What about EU
membership, and maybe even the need for passports to cross the border into
P.T.: What do you
think the result will be now that an independent Scotland may be unable to keep
the pound? Also, what’s your opinion on Scotland’s overall financial well-being
should she become independent?
B.L.: Many big companies are talking about
relocating in England if we became independent because we may no longer have
the pound.
I don't know if we have enough financial resources to 'go it
alone'. The big cry has always been (since drilling started in the North Sea)
"It's Scotland's oil" - but how long before the oil runs out?
P.T.: What do you think of the Scottish Parliament
and other home rule bodies within the UK? And what’s your answer to the claim
that complete independence would make Scotland more of a force to be reckoned
with on the world stage?
B.L.: Well, I was delighted when we got the Scottish
Parliament as it meant we were able to concentrate on purely Scottish issues,
some of which Westminster doesn't know or doesn't care about. But I don't think
that independence would make us more a force to be reckoned with.
Having “home rule” doesn’t necessitate independence from the
Union. One alternative which is spoken about is 'devo-max', which seems to mean
we would keep the status quo but, that the Scottish Parliament would also be
given more powers, perhaps in taxes etc. That could be a good alternative in my
P.T.: What are you thoughts on Alex Salmond and his
independence campaign?
B.L.: A lot of us wonder if Alex Salmond has some
self-interest at heart. Perhaps if someone different was in charge, I would
feel differently about it all, but such is the case. The question is how much
are people swayed by personalities?
P.T.: Do you think that celebrities who outspoken
on the issue of Scottish independence are affecting are affecting the opinions
of the Scottish people at all?
B.L.: Is it really supposed to sway us? It doesn't
alter my views. It annoys me the way that this host of ‘famous’ people - from
film stars to comedians to personalities – are stating their views, for or
against. For example, Sean Connery is all for Scottish independence, which, of
course, is countered by the fact that he doesn't even live here!
P.T.: Now I hear
that his Agent 007 counterpart, Roger Moore, is vouching for the preservation
of the UK. The War of the Bonds seems to have begun!
B.L.: Oh, dear!
P.T.: Do you
think there is something of a different tone in the Scottish nationalist
movement of today and nationalists in past generations?
B.L.: There was a difference in the nationalist
cause back when they 'liberated' the Stone of Scone, and now. Somehow they
seemed quite different but can't identify quite exactly how. It was more
historically based than politically back then, I think.
P.T.: What do you think about the way that the
referendum question is phrased, putting “Yes” for independence and “No” for the
B.L.: I think it's quite confusing. Even now, when
people ask if I'm going to vote yes or no, I sometimes have to say,
er....what's the question again?! It's quite loaded making the positive answer
the one for independence, isn't it?
P.T.: Indeed. In fact, I would think it would be
more natural for "yes" to be in favor of the status quo.
B.L.: You're right! Perhaps that's why I get
confused.'s such a long time since it was brought up. Is the
question do you want Scotland to be a separate STATE or a separate COUNTRY?
P.T.: Good point. Or, going further, what's the
difference between a "country" and a "nation", as it seems
that a lot of people identify Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as
"nations" within the "country" of the UK!
B.L.: I think they did try out several wordings
before they decided. There were also all sorts of 'joke' replacement questions
circulating, such as "Do you want these mealy-mouthed, penny pinching
Sassenachs to take over the education of our wee bairns?"
P.T.: In the midst of all this red tape and wild
gags, how would you have liked to have seen the referendum question worded?
B.L.: I think something along the lines of "Do
you agree that Scotland would flourish as an independent nation?" or
"Do you agree that Scotland would flourish keeping in the union?"
Although I suppose that would be two questions instead of one.
P.T.: Well, it could have been linked thusly:
"Do you believe that Scotland would flourish more staying in the union, or
becoming an independent nation?"
B.L.: Yes, that sounds good, although then people
couldn't answer just yes or no. Of course, I’m not sure if that’s mandatory. I’ve never been in a referendum like this
P.T.: What do you think of Salmond giving 16 years
olds to right to vote in the referendum?
B.L.: Many of us are also annoyed (and incredulous)
that Salmond has given 16 year olds the vote! I mean, they are not eligible to
vote in general elections. I feel that many of them will be influenced by
'Braveheart' and Freeeedommm!
However, I did watch an interview on TV with a group of 16
year olds, and I must say they spoke very sensibly and seemed very clued up
about it all. They also had a mix of opinions.
P.T.: Have you watched any referendum debates, live
or on TV? If so, what are you thoughts about them?
B.L.: There was a televised referendum debate on
this week in our area. They are holding them round Scotland. I really only put
it on to see if I recognized anyone in the audience, and I didn't know a single
soul! I think a lot of folk must have been out-of-towners. It went on for an
hour, and it was so BORING, I don't think it would make anyone change their
P.T.: From you interaction with people in your area,
how high is the percentage of undecided voters you encounter now?
B.L.: I don't know the percentages, but a lot of
people I speak to still haven't decided. The 'letters' columns in all the
papers are full of people giving their perspectives, but again I don't think
people would change their mind because of what other people say (famous or
'ordinary'). Actually a lot of us think we will be heartily fed up with the
whole thing by September!
P.T.: How do you think people might be affected
emotionally, since Scotland and England are very much intertwined at this
point? What about those with families and jobs that transcend the border?
B.L.: I don't know. As I said before, there are so
many imponderables. Of course, there must be people very close to folk from
across the border. You know David Cameron appealed to people in England to
phone up their Scottish friends and say "We want you to stay with
P.T.: What do you think of that method he suggested?
Have you or anyone you know received said "calls"?
B.L.: Well, no one in England has phoned me! I
thought it was a bit silly really and counterproductive, trying to force an
outpouring of “love” that no one has brought up before now!
P.T.: I think Mr. C. was trying to imitate something
that went on during the Quebec Independence Referendum, when the people of
Canada basically pleaded with the people within Quebec to remain a part of the
B.L.: Oh, yes, I think someone else told me that.
P.T.: I'm not sure if it helped directly, but the
result did turn out favorable for them, and Quebec is still part of Canada to
everyone's benefit, as time has revealed. But it was quite a close vote!
B.L: I do wonder what the general English reaction
is. I wouldn't be surprised if they think we should just get on and make up our
own minds. Or maybe a lot of them would be happy to 'get rid' of us. Have there
been any polls in England to ask that?
P.T.: Yes, there
have been. Generally, 60% in favor of the union, 20% against it, and the rest
not caring either way. Personally, everyone I know in England would be heartily
depressed to lose you! So you are "loved" by some “southies”!
B.L: Well, that's nice!
P.T.: What do you think about the system allowing
only those currently living in Scotland to vote?
B.L.: It seems a bit odd. After all, I have several
friends who were born in Scotland and now live in England, so they can't vote;
but people born in England who live and work in Scotland can!
P.T.: It does sound strange, especially since the
"trans-border" commuters have the most to gain from the union in
concept and reality. Lots of them have relatives north or south of the
“dividing line”, as well job commitments.
They feel very much connected with the place as a part of
their "country" and see their Scottish friends and relatives as
"compatriots" But this is just one of the many complications in
trying to "segregate" people who have been so intermixed by being
considered one people for so long!
B.L.: Yes, I agree. I think there are a whole lot of
complications raising their heads now, which originally weren't thought of. The
really worrying thing is that, whatever the outcome of the vote, it will
(presumably) be irreversible.
P.T.: Actually, some are predicting that if the
pro-independence party loses by a slight margin, they may try to launch another
independence referendum in as soon as two years!
On the other hand, should the pro-union party lose by a
slight margin, the "Yes" people are insisting that we better shut up
and sit down or else be branded as enemies of democracy!
B.L.: I’ve often thought the worst result would be
almost a dead-heat, but I hadn't heard that about another go in two years
P.T.: The suggested “Round 2” for independence is
speculative, mind, but some of the "Yes" people are definitely
pushing for it, and the “No” people worrying about it, and most average people
just dreading having to go through another neverendum in their lifetimes!
B.L.: Yes, I don't think I could bear to go through
it all again! I think it's important to emphasize that 'we' (I mean my friends
and acquaintances) are NOT talking about it all the time! Perhaps come
September we will, but at the moment we are just getting on with our lives.
I don't know how strongly people think about it just now. For
instance, I know my sister is going to vote yes for independence and has a
badge saying so, but she didn't ask me how I’m going to vote, so I didn't say!
P.T.: What's your random prediction of the outcome
in September? My guess, at this point, is that the union will win, but only by
a slight margin.
B.L.: I think marginally that the status quo is the
one most people seem to think will win, but that’s just my (uninformed) opinion!
P.T.: To wrap things up, could you tell us a little
about your personal interests, hobbies, and goals in life?
B.L.: I am passionately interested in local history
and in collecting oral history from older people, and have written several
books on this and hope to do some more. I would like other people to look back at their own local
history roots. One of my immediate goals is to get the book I'm working on
(people's memories of their working lives and daily living) finished and out in
the public domain. It is SO important all these memories don't get lost when
the folk go.
P.T.: I agree.
History and heritage is so important to development of culture and all the good
things in life.
B.L.: Yes, that's it. It's very encouraging to me
that you (at your age) think like that because more often it's when folk get
older that they get interested in their heritage.
P.T.: Thank you
for that! In addition to being a preserver of local heritage, do you have any
other interests or goals in addition?
B.L.: Well,
I also have a passionate love of cats! In the area of goals, as a great
granny, I am grateful to find I am still alive the next morning! My goals
SHOULD be to exercise more and leave the car at home but never seem to manage
this very well (blame the Scottish weather)!
P.T.: You have a good enough excuse! Scottish
weather blamed, lol! Thank you again for agreeing to let me interview you,
“Bonnie Lass”, and I look forward to catching up again in the near future.
B.L.: Speak again soon!
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